Monday, October 31, 2011

Ethan's First Halloween!

It's Ethan's First Halloween!

We decided that we wanted a unique costume for Ethan, rather than one that we found online.  We originally wanted to order him this adorable penguin costume I found.  Ethan, however, is on the small side for his age and we were afraid that that it wouldn't fit him properly.  So we decided to go with a simple, homemade costume.

My little Charlie Brown! :)

The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!! :)
More on how his first "trick-or-treating*" experience goes tomorrow, but for now, Happy Halloween!

*We're not really taking him trick-or-treating him.  We're actually just dressing him up for pictures, and taking him to see our local relatives and a few family friends.  Close enough.

1 comment:

Erika said...

The adorableness is just too much! We decided against spending too much money on S' costume as well. She will be sporting her Cater's PJ's with a glow in the dark skeleton on them! Have a wonderful time tonight!!