Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring Has Sprung

My parents have some really fun and sweet neighbors.  One of their neighbors has two boys, and she is absolutely the ultimate "boy" Mom.  Seriously, she let her oldest son (who is extremely smart) have this incredible saltwater tank that housed an octopus for a few months.  Totally cool.  

Anyway, she texted Mom last night and asked if either Riley or Ethan would be by the house today, because she had something she would love to show them.  So we decided to swing by the house and see what fun thing she had up her sleeve for the boys.

Baby ducks!!!! She brought home 7 baby ducks for them to enjoy for a couple of days before releasing them in the pond on a relative's land.  She brought them over so that we could play with them for a few minutes.  Let me say, these ducks were SO stinkin' cute.  If it weren't for her talking about how much they poop (and given Ethan's history with finding that edible, ha) I would have totally called Jason up and insisted that our home needed baby ducks too.

The kids had a blast with them, especially Riley.

Clearly, I think I was just as excited to play with them as the kids were.

Sweet girl was IN LOVE.

They all ran in a huddle together, so funny!
My sweet boy, extremely frustrated that I wouldn't let him chase the ducks like he wanted to.  I was afraid he would grab one with too much aggression, so he had to pet them while Mommy held on.

Hey look! A duck!
It was such a fun, springtime moment.  Thanks so much Tina for sharing your temporary pets with us!

1 comment:

Tatiana said...

I love little baby ducks! I only wish they would stay that way :-) And your little man is growing up SO fast. I can't believe how old he is already! Too cute :-)