Saturday, August 27, 2011

2 Months


Today you are two months old!  You are growing so much already, and I can't wait to find your official weight and height on Monday.  With our attempts to measure you at home, you are around 11.5 pounds and about 22 inches long.  You are growing so quickly, and are a huge eater.  You quickly went from 4 ounces of breast milk every four hours to 6-8 ounces of breast milk every 6 hours!  I'm having a hard time keeping up with you, but we are doing our best.

Your pouty face is adorable.  Right before you begin to cry, you make a pouty face that breaks Momma's heart every time.  I can't help but laugh to see that sweet face.  Even your cries are cute! You aren't a huge fan of being in the car, so you get MAD when we put you in the carseat.  It's cute to hear all the different pitches of screams you try to see if that will get you out of the carseat any quicker. 


You still LOVE bathtime, but aren't a huge fan of getting out of the tub because you still get cold quickly.  You love your little footie pajamas (and Momma LOVES to put you in them because they are so cute!)

You slept through the night for the first time at 8 weeks old.  You went from 10pm to 6am! Daddy and I were so excited, but have been joking that you are starting to sleep through the night, but we still aren't! I wonder if there will ever be a night that we don't wake up to check on you. I doubt it.  You are starting to let us know that you are tired around 7-7:30, and will usually stop fussing if we just put you in your crib and let you be alone to fall asleep.  It's almost like you are tired of being held and handled most of the day and just want some quiet time alone.  It's very sweet to watch you sleep, and luckily you don't notice me watch you fall asleep.  Thankfully you still love to be rocked and cuddled during the day for nap times.  Your friend the Seahorse is becoming more and more intriguing to you, and you like to watch the glow of his belly.  Daddy says that you even scooted over to him this morning and had your hand on him while you slept.  It's a shame you are such a wiggle worm and had moved by the time he got a camera.


You LOVE to be talked to, and you love to coo and "talk" back.  You are a very smiley baby, and we love it! Your whole face smiles when you are happy. You even have an adorable little smirk that I know will get you in big trouble some day.  You love to smile at us, but make it extremely difficult to capture it on camera.

Happy 2 Month Birthday Sweet Boy! You are growing so fast!

Ha, the spit bubbles. :)
We are so proud of you, and love to watch you grow.  We can't wait to see what you will learn in month 3, but please let these moments pass a little slower!

Mommy and Daddy


Amy Lynn said...

Ahhh! I miss that cute little face! His little pouty lip makes me melt all the way down here in FL, and his little smirk is just cute as can be! I think he is starting to look a little bit more like Jason this month, but is still definitely his momma's baby! I can't believe how much he is growing, and learning. His little wiggly butt looks very cute in that Captain Adorable outfit that his way cool cousin got him, and he sure is adorable! I think he looks like he is flexing his muscles in the first "2 month" photo - he's gonna be a HUNK like his cousin Ed :)

Angie Repetti said...

He's growing soooo fast!!! What a handsome young man he is!!! xoxox to all of you!!! ~aunt angie

Brittney said...

2 months already! Wow! What a big boy! That measuring...caterpillar(??) is cute! Also, I still wake up multiple times a night to check on E. It must be a mom thing. :)

Erika said...

Awe happy 2 months!!!

Lisa said...

He is so smart, he is already starting to say "G....uuuh" ranny :) Precious, loved, little boy!