So Fenway was just a LITTLE bit dirty and stinky when we got him. Our first stop before home was to PetCo. (since they allow puppies IN the store!) and we picked up all the basic necessities, including shampoo.

His first bath in the sink!!

HEHEHE, he is so tiny! You can't hardly tell how little he is under all the fluff!

Brushing my baby after his bath.

Our first family photo! :)
I must say, I'm one proud Momma. Fenway went potty outside this evening already! After one accident and one close call, he did it! He's so smart!
Paigey!!! I LOOOOOOOOOVE your new layout! It is absolutely beautiful and so "clean" - if that makes any sense. A new layout in honor of a new family member! I don't mean to jump the gun - but isn't it so special and great that you will have Fenway for like a LONG time?? He'll be around to meet your kids and he'll be around when you're 30 and.. he'll be there!! :] He'll get to see you and Mr. J grow up together. I'm so excited for you!! I can't wait until we find our perfect puppy. I absolutely LOVE his curls! He's a puppy after my own heart! :D or.. at least, my own HAIR.
Thanks Shannon! I might be contacting you via Facebook chat soon for some help though! It won't let me adjust my title font and sizes! Or the sidebar text sizes! Boo!
I adore you new layout too, AND your puppy!
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