Of course I didn't forget to put a place on my wedding RSVP cards for my guests names! And of course they aren't all putting return addresses on them or writing their names on them-and starting to get responses with meal selections that we DON'T know who they are. Of course Jason and I wouldn't do something THAT silly! HA HA! Maybe I should be the subject of my own Stupid People Sunday!
we didn't put a date to return by on ours :\ sooo we were getting rsvp cards back TWO DAYS before the wedding. i'm like.. seriously, people?? and mark's dad sent back his rsvp with NO name and NO count of how many people.. just a blank card.. LOL.. somehow I knew it was him.. i had mark ask him if he did it, and he said yes! good Lord.. rsvp cards are just SO difficult. haha.
Good thing you figured that one out! It definitely makes some funny stories to tell!
I think it's inevitable that SOMETHING is going to get screwed up no matter how many times you proofread. Our location requires we use their catering, so to be nice, we are giving people a choice of two meal selections. So just a number won't work, we have to know who wants what-and didn't even think to put that on there!!
We are also doing the sand ceremony thing instead of the unity candle, and I ordered these BEAUTIFUL set of 3 vases last year for it that have our initials, a quote and the date. After 3 times of proofing, I place the order ONLY to get them back to see that I put May 30, 2008 instead of 2009. Stupid me!! HAHAA
haha. you're so stinkin' cute!
You are so silly cousin. Ed and I got a good laugh about your rsvp card mishap. It'll be okay, you'll figure it out somehow!!!! What did you wind up doing about the vase?
They VERY kindly fixed the incorrect vase and sent me that new piece. Cost me an extra 20 bucks, but MUCH better than having to order all three new again. They were pretty expensive, and I wouldn't have been able to. So far, we have only had one RSVP mystery and it turned out to be Pop-Pop and Karen. After telling them both the story, and them not saying a word, Mom called Karen to see if it was another lady that Karen also knows. THEN she remembered that it was hers. HAHA!! So far, no other mishaps!
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